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Wooden Kitchen Playsets – Opportunity for Kids to Explore Life Essential Skills in a Safe Way by Marina NeimanIt’s amazing when you look at children these days. They seem to have been born with a pre-equipped IQ level since the time of conception. They are incredible little human beings who never fail to startle you with their little tricks and astounding behaviors. Toys have been essentially the most integral part of any child’s life. We ourselves remember each and every toy that we used to keep ourselves so engrossed with, even now. Since toys play such a significant role in a child’s life, they must be carefully designed. It is the best way to give our children firsthand experience in handling the dummy versions of the things present in real life.Amongst all other toys, children all around the globe are hugely fascinated with the pretend play kitchen toys. There are a plethora of metal, plastic and wooden kitchen playsets available in the market. They are exact replicas of the regular kitchen appliances that are present in almost all kitchens. These kitchen appliance toys may include dinner set, oven, refrigerator, stove, wooden microwave, dryers and washer toys, blender, toaster and baking kits and so on. Kids just love to imitate their parents and since toddlers have greater affinities towards their mother who spends most of her time in the kitchen, the kid tries and emulates her kitchen behavior using these overly life-like miniature versions of kitchen appliances.Playing with toys can be highly educational. It inculcates the creativity in the child and gives you an analysis of the kid’s observational skills. These wooden kitchen playsets are so remarkably detailed and crafted that they bear uncanny resemblance to its real life counterparts. So the kid also feels like he/she is cooking and doing other kitchen related activities for real. Their ability to pretend and imitate their parents shows that there is a high degree of coordination of the different parts of the child like its brains, eyes and hands. The child’s memory is also brought into light since just observing doesn’t really bring about such precision in the pretence of playing with kitchen appliance toys but it is also how far the things you have observed has been absorbed into the child’s brains in the form of a memory.Also, in the modern world of today with rapid technological growth in all fields, children are exposed to machines or robot operated toys more than the traditional wooden toys. There was a reason as to why our ancestors used certain things in life. There is a reason to use wooden manual toys as well and that is building up creativity and trying to prepare things on your own rather than getting them done at the push of a button. Children have to understand the physical efforts that go into managing the real life counterparts of those pretend play kitchen toys. Besides wood is eco friendly and is of high quality grade. It is formed from natural sources and they don’t have toxic paints on them that avoid a child from putting them into the mouth unlike other brightly colored plastic toys. So go ahead and build a safer world of toy fantasy for your lovey dovey baby dolls by gifting them lovely wooden kitchen playsets.Marina Neiman, author and mother of two, writes for 1888Toys.com Educational Toys Store, features classic wooden toys, handmade kitchen playsets, wooden kitchen for kids and many more toys for safe and fun pretend kitchen play.Article Source: eArticlesOnline.com