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Truths and myths about a hair transplant surgery
James Bose
Hair transplant surgery makes for a vulnerable and natural looking hair restoration that is undetectable from the real one. There are two procedures of hair transplant surgery that is Follicular Unit Transplant (FUT) and Follicular Unit Extraction (FUE). And the ultimate truth is that both the procedures work to be a permanent or long lasting and predictable surgery for hair restoration. But there are more myths than facts supposed by patients and people in general to purpose the ideals. So let s find out the truth.
The best time to consider a hair transplant surgery is when it has been sometime and the hair loss pattern has stabilized to some extent. This is still not to be sure that whether the candidate is an ideal for hair transplant surgery at all, in this case consulting a good and well reputed surgeon and physician makes sense. Hair loss leading to baldness can normally emerge at any age from 18-45. As hair loss is majorly male pattern baldness and less commonly, female pattern baldness, nothing can stop it, male pattern baldness can be slowed down with medication and really slowed down that the suffered percepts that it has actually stopped the hair loss.
The best hair transplant procedure to consider is based on the factors of donor hair density, pattern of the condition of the scalp and estimation of future hair loss. And the most important part is how thick your wallet is. Both the FUT hair transplant FUE procedure is involved with some amount of invasiveness and associated pain, discomfort and scarring. The FUT strip harvesting looks and is basically more invasive than the FUE hair transplant procedure. However, the FUT strip harvesting procedure reduces the bald scalp with the scalp reduction technique while with FUE the patient has to permanently don the close cropped donor area because the hair follicles would be transferred to the top of the scalp. And the FUE technique also gives out scars that look like millions of tiny specks of red like a rash or something. But it heals faster than the linear scar given by FUT, but it stays exposed until the wounds heal, wherein the FUT scar remains hidden in the folds of the upper layers of hair. TO have the FUT procedure the patiente must have sufficient donor density to cover for the applied recipient area, while for the FUE technique there are more options that hair can be extracted from more hair bearing areas other than the sides and back of the scalp. All in all the FUE grafting is costlier than the FUT. So the choice of the best hair transplant procedure depends on the patient s candidacy and affordability of the hair restoration cost.
Hair Transplant Cost varies clinic to clinic. Most patients choose the FUT technique for the understanding that is it is less costly than FUE and that the scar can be hidden during recovery, while with FUE as the scarring and over all invasive exposure is minimal, the donor area will have to permanently close cropped, but if the patient can afford, FUE hair transplant cost, then it is the best option when there is limited grafting, like within 1,000 grafts. FUE also makes possible for eyebrow hair restoration, facial hair restoration, chest hair restoration procedures.
James Bose is a medical journalist based in London, United Kingdom, who writes specially about cosmetic surgery and
hair transplant london
surgeon and cosmetic dermatology and strives to educate seeking patients of the same with proper information and sense.
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