Treatment Of Rosacea With Azelaic Acid Cream (Generic Azelex) Generic Azelex

Submitted by: Alex Warren

Rosacea is one of the most common inflammatory conditions of the skin especially of the face which is also known as the disorder of the blood vessels. Once it affects you, your face will take on a characteristic redness that looks like a permanent flush or blush. Soon after this, pimples and thin red lines will likely to develop. This condition is sometimes referred to as acne rosacea but this can be terribly misleading since acne and rosacea are two different conditions. Rosacea affects both the males and the females and usually begins after the age 30. The condition is aggravated by several lifestyle and environmental factors such as eating hot, spicy foods, drinking alcohol and/or caffeine, exposure to the sun, rain, or wind, temperature changes and stress. Some medications such as ACE inhibitors are also linked with the development of the disease. Many times rosacea gets misunderstood for acne but both the skin disorders are different from each other. But azelaic acid cream is used in the treatment of rosacea and also in the topical treatment of acne. This cream is available under the name Generic Azelex.

This skin condition destroys the beauty of the face and also lowers your self esteem. Reducing the symptoms is the aim of the treatment of rosacea. The common symptom of rosacea is transformation of the skin color into red. The body portions most affected by rosacea are the cheeks, nose and forehead. At times, such redness and flushing of skin can also spread to the ears, scalp, chest or the neck. As Rosacea progresses, the reddish tinge can turn into a permanent condition. There can also be a marked visibility of the small blood vessels particularly at the skin surface, stinging or burning skin sensation, eyes turning gritty and reddish, and pus-filled or simple bumps that appear red. Among these severe symptoms are bulbous noses. The maiden rosacea symptoms are nagging redness which is often wrongly attributed to cleansing, exercising or temperature changes. These symptoms are quite bothersome and treatment of rosacea aims for the reduction in them. Thus azelaic acid cream is known to have very good effect over removal of rosacea symptoms. This cream which is also known as Generic Azelex is also effective in the treatment for acne scars. This is also useful in acne scar removal and to enhance the beauty of your face.


Like topical treatment of acne is available, treatment of rosacea is also available in many forms. The type of treatment depends on the severity of the symptoms and the duration of the disorder. The treatment of rosacea available in the oral and topical form. In the oral form you can take antibiotic medication for the reduction in the rosacea symptoms. It is more like using antibiotic drugs for acne scar removal. The other method is the use of topical creams such as azelaic acid cream. This cream is widely used and is known as Generic Azelex. You can easily get azelaic acid cream which is useful in the topical treatment of acne. Generic Azelex reduces the redness of the rosacea and gives you relief from the condition. This azelaic acid cream possesses anti-inflammatory properties which reduces the inflammation and hence become the best drug in the treatment of rosacea.

About the Author: I am Alex Warren , I would like to share some information on medical issue and treatment

Generic Azelex

Generic Azelex is the best medicine for the treatment of rosacea


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